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cbo891 Profile Page
Hits 3911
Online Status OFFLINE
Web-Account Since 09/02/2013 08:52:19
Last Online 05/10/2022 15:25:37
Last Updated 05/10/2022 15:32:08

Additional Info

Website: www.crbobs.hu
Location: Hungary
Occupation: Architect, mechanical-engineer
Interests: Meteorites, amateur-astronomy
City: GYOR
State: GYMS
Address: Lahner u 1.
Phone #: +36307767817
Fax #: cbo891

Contact Info

Member Number: 6251
Country: Hungary

About Me

About Me:

Iam an amateur-astronomer and meteorite collector. I have been member a Hungarian Astronomical Association for 35 years.

My favorite astronomical themes:

- exoplanet transits, GRB afterglow indentificitation, supernovaes light curve by CCD camera,

- professional astronomical domes planning, developing, manufacturing with full-automated electronic control system (www.eurodome.hu),

- �organizing astronomical expeditions around the world (Kalahari, China, Turkey, S-E-Asia)

My astronomical company has made many big astronomical projects. For example Pannon Observatry Mountain of Bakony (www.csillagda.net), Exhibition and Science Center University of Debrecen, Mosonmagyarovar, Slovakia, many Universities, Colleges, private persons, etc. off course with meteorite collections (biggest piece was a big individual Gibeon over 30 kg).

Iam contacting many hungarian professional meteorite specialist from E�tv�s L�r�nd University, Budapest, Hungarian Earth and Minerologyl Institue, Hungarian Natural History Museum, private collectors.

We are intersting the meteorite hunting after big bolidas, sonic booms in Hungary and in neighbour countries (for example Kosice meteorite, Csatalja meteorite). My collection recently has contents about 1500 specimens.

If you are interesting the hungarian historic or new meteorites please dont hesitate contact with me.�