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5485 Profile Page
Hits 3230
Online Status OFFLINE
Web-Account Since 11/11/2006 03:48:57
Last Online 09/21/2020 00:29:01
Last Updated 09/21/2020 00:38:24

Contact Info

Member Number: 5485
Country: Illinois, USA
Website URL (e.g. "www.imca.cc"): www.pibburns.com

About Me

About Me:

Philip, better known as Pib, has been fascinated by all things astronomical since an early age. He received his first meteorite specimen in the late 1950s. He has collected meteorites and impactites on and off since 1970.  He also collects meteorite-related stamps and coins.

Philip's academic background is in mathematics and computer science. In 2020 he retired after 46 years at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois (USA).