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6645 Profile Page
Hits 3141
Online Status OFFLINE
Web-Account Since 11/11/2006 04:00:53
Last Online 04/30/2015 04:21:14
Last Updated 09/18/2014 07:34:10

Additional Info

Website: www.arizonadetectors.com
Location: Tucson
Occupation: Mining Engineer
Interests: Geology, Astronomy, Space Exploration, Christ & the Bible
Company: Arizona Detectors LLC
City: Vail
State: AZ
Country: USA

Contact Info

Member Number: 6645
Country: Arizona, USA
Website URL (e.g. "www.imca.cc"): www.crystalcaste.com

About Me

About Me:

I enjoy hunting meteorites, and have recovered pieces of Holbrook, Gold Basin, Franconia & Yelland Dry Lake (both stones and irons at Franconia).  I'd like to get a complete collection of Arizona meteorites, with personal finds where possible.  A great thrill would be to make a new find.  If you're ever in Southern Arizona, and would like to go out, drop me a line.  I have a busy work schedule, but a trip might work out.

I also hunt minerals and metal detect for other things.  I have  great interest in geology, mining and astronomy.  With a fairly large reference library covering mining and geology (and a growing collection of meteorite books).

Clear skies and happy hunting/collecting!
