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4825 Profile Page
Hits 5635
Online Status OFFLINE
Web-Account Since 11/11/2006 10:49:11
Last Online 03/15/2018 07:26:16
Last Updated 10/29/2013 13:14:07

Contact Info

Member Number: 4825
Country: Czech Republic
Website URL (e.g. "www.imca.cc"): www.sv-meteorites.com

About Me

About Me: Hello, I'm a meteorite dealler and collector since 1992. My first "meteorite" I found when I was 12 years old or so on the river bank. Of course it was not a meteorite but some fossilized water plant. Anyway I was excited and still have this rock ;-)
First real meteorite I found in Sikhote-Alin strewn fild in 1992. I love to hunt for the meteorites in the deserts and with metal detector. I'm collecting former USSR meteorites and other historical stones. I aslo collect meteorite books and have a nice collection of old Russian literature.