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BrettCo Profile Page
Hits 939
Online Status OFFLINE
Web-Account Since 10/03/2020 21:28:09
Last Online 01/05/2022 09:30:39
Last Updated 03/04/2021 22:37:05

Additional Info

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA
Occupation: Marketing
Interests: Meteorites and meteorite hunting, fossils, metal detecting, gold prospecting
Company: The Interstellar Collection
City: Philadelphia
State: PA
Country: USA

Contact Info

Member Number: 3950
Country: Pennsylvania, USA

About Me

About Me:


 My name is Brett Jospeh Cohen, but most people in the community know me as just Brett Joseph. My interests vary from meteorites, meteorite hunting, gold prospecting, Native American artifact hunting, shark and dinosaur fossil recovery, and metal detecting. My main focus is meteorites. My company name is The Interstellar Collection, where I bring authentic meteorites in to the communities hands. 


-Brett Joseph Cohen