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6527 Profile Page
Hits 5339
Online Status OFFLINE
Web-Account Since 10/29/2006 09:24:05
Last Online 09/26/2021 01:36:31
Last Updated 08/17/2009 22:39:17

Contact Info

Member Number: 6527
Country: Texas, USA

About Me

About Me:

Don Edwards

I am a retired college math professor, and have been collecting meteorites for about 20 years now (1988). I started while still doing amateur astronomy. What "hooked" me was when I purchased a specimen of Bluff (A) and when I looked it up, I saw that it was found by the brother of my Great-Grandfather.

My main interests now are in Texas specimens (OK, I live in Texas), Lunar and Martian specimens, and also Australian specimens now that they are getting hard to find since Australia put a ban on export.

My collection is quite extensive although 30% are micros <1g, and 70% are less than 10 grams.

Although I have no formal training in Meteoritics, I have managed to learn enough to recognize that I know very little. As such, I was honored to serve as a Director of the IMCA until October 2006.

Have a look at the May Issue 2006 of IMCA Insights, IMCA Bios - Hit By a Falling Bluff, to learn more about me, and my background.